Tuesday, June 16, 2015

So today I've been thinking about a bit of a depressing topic... getting older. Yup, it happens to ALL of us, although when it does that really isn't any consolation. I know I'm not that old, 31 is still youngish, but I want to talk  about what happens to your hair.

Grey hairs are actually white. Shining, silvery, highly obvious on darker haired lasses and bloody hell they are coarse!
Grey hairs (although I found my first proper one at the grand old age of 21! ) and the eternal dilemma of to pluck or not to pluck (always pluck) and then worse the dyeing situation (which I originally typed without the 'e', should I have left it like that?!).
The good news is that if your a brunette like me, then it turns out you have more options than I had previously thought. You can either go darker and dye the whole thing, making sure you make a trip back to the hairdresser every 6 weeks for a gossip, lukewarm tea and root touch up (yawn and also pricey), or you can go lighter. I did not know this until recently. This is basically having blonde highlights in your barnet which don't cover but disguise the infernal greys. So people will hopefully see any greys and assume they are part of your lovely dye job. Brilliant, or at least it appears that way at first... unfortunately this too needs to be re-touched too, although definitely not as often as the full dye job. The other bummer is that you also end up blonder and blonder until, wow, whaddyaknow, I'm as blonde as barbie (the original of course, btw have you seen this fab 'normal' barbie-http://time.com/3593968/the-new-normal-barbie-comes-with-an-average-womans-proportions-and-cellulite-sticker-extension-packs/ the kids reactions are heart-warming)! Hmm... not what I want although I think your fairer ladies look smashing.

So then we come to option 3, which is the one we will all turn to in the end, none of us are getting out of this alive and all that... Embracing those little white hairs and letting the world witness it. Except... no one will actually notice will they? I mean, they'll be far to busy sucking in their stomach, or wondering what they should have for tea, or trying to discreetly pull their knickers out of their butt crack (uh-hum).

As my grey hairs breed silently over night and only seem to really rear their ugly heads when I need to have my hair tied back, I think about these 3 option a lot. I want to be brave, I want to embrace the greys (it's even cool now thanks to Rhianna) but I really can't just yet. So it's back to the hair dressers next week for me for option 2, hello inner barbs. I'll be sure to show you how it went. Let me know if you have the balls that I don't and have embraced them.

Monday, June 15, 2015

The all-important first post...

It seems fitting that I tell you a bit about me to begin.
I live a pretty conventional life in most ways. I have a boyfriend and 2 cats, I like shopping, I like doing all the things you probably like doing. But we've chosen lifestyle over riches and a simple life over ambition.

I feel like I've got a lot of say (and way more opinions than most people would realise as I'm quite on the fence about most things) and I've been thinking about writing a blog for a wee while. Finally I'm putting finger to keyboard and actually bloody DOING IT!

I want to talk about things that concern me, that get me fired up, that I enjoy, and that I hope you'll find at least vaguely interesting too.

Read on...